Givlly - Volunteer Recruitment

Streamlined and Automated Volunteer Recruitment

Use automation tools to streamline tasks, improve recruitment decisions, and transform leads into dedicated volunteers.

Solutions to your Volunteer Recruitment needs

Making an impact can be challenging when your team is burdened down by manual processes and unreliable data.
Givlly’s recruitment tools can help you surpass these challenges and achieve measurable results.


Customized registration form for your organization

Every organization collects different parameters for its volunteer management needs; there is no one-size-fits-all solution. One efficient solution is to create customized forms that allow our clients to collect the information they need.


Add additional forms and let Givlly do the tracking

Most organizations include extra forms, such as NDAs, parental consents, conflict of interests, etc. Givlly allows you to integrate these forms and triggers them automatically based on set conditions.


Automate and streamline volunteer onboarding

Automate volunteer onboarding with Givlly TMS, from course scheduling, intake registrations, real-time progress tracking, and reporting, allowing you to focus on improving the volunteer experience.