- Encourages residents to remain socially and physically active in group-based games
- Serves as a form of active engagement in meaningful activities
Roles of volunteers: 1-2 volunteers per session per RLA
- Volunteers to assist in setting up the environment, facilitating gameplay & ensuring resident’s safety during the activities
1. Seated balloon badminton:
- Arrange residents in a circular formation, ensuring sufficient space between residents to minimise risk of accidentally hitting each other with the badminton racket
- Allow residents to take turns to serve the balloon to start the game
- Facilitate gameplay by ensuring that balloon does not touch the floor &/or retrieving the balloon when it flies out of the circle - Badminton rackets.
- Balloons - Kindly ensure seatbelts & wheelchair locks are secured when residents are seated in the wheelchair
- Kindly assist residents when they try to reach for the balloon/ball which lands on the floor
2. Seated kicking of the ball:
- Arrange residents in a circular / line formation (with residents seated opposite each other), ensuring sufficient space between residents to minimise risk of accidentally kicking each other
- Allow residents to take turns to kick the ball to one another
- Facilitate gameplay by retrieving the ball when it rolls out of the resident’s reach - Balls of different sizes
3. Seated basketball:
- Arrange residents in a line formation, facing the basketball hoop
- Allow residents to take turns to throw the ball into the hoop
- Facilitate gameplay by retrieving the ball when it rolls out of the resident’s reach - Basketball hoop
Peacehaven Nursing Home
With a capacity of around 400 beds, Peacehaven Nursing Home provides compassionate, individualized, holistic care to all without discrimination. We offer a comprehensive gamut of services to care for the sick, frail and elderly who have physical or mental disabilities with minimal or no appropriate caregiver support at home.