Befrienders for released prisoners and inmates from drug rehab centres (DRCs)
1) Befriend, mentor and coach releasees from prisons and DRCs for a period of one year to enhance their re-integration into the community .
2) Connect and refer befriendees to community resources for support.
3) Encourage befriendees to maintain abstinence from substance use, maintain stability in employment and engage in pro-social and meaningful activities in the community.
4) Meet up or connect with befriendees at least twice weekly for first three months after release from institution and thereafter, at least once a month.
Family Befrienders for releasees and their families
1)Conduct family visit to befriend families to help them develop resourcefulness to tap on community resources.
2) Befriend families to be a role model and provide support to help them develop helpful life-skills to cope with life challenges.
3) Befriend families to encourage self-sufficiency through work connectedness.
Volunteer (Hope Centre)
1) Engage prison and DRC releasees, family members and visitors to the Hope Centre by listening to their struggles or challenges in life with intent to provide support and aftercare help, if necessary.
2) Engage walk-in cases to encourage and facilitate community partnership with The Salvation Army.
The Salvation Army Prison Support Services
Prison Support Services –We journey with former inmates to enhance their resilience through the development of prosocial life values and choices to reduce their chance of re-offending. We also empower them to tap on available community resources to support their reintegration journey.